General Ledger

Chreos lets you be as detailed as you need with your finances.  Create a full General Ledger or use the simplified cashbook.  However you decide to use this module, Chreos understands the importance of accurate and live financial information.

 Have your financials at your fingertips.  Get graphical displays, up to the minute cashflow projections, detailed expense reports, forecasts and more – as and when you want them.

 Creating accurate account budgets puts your business needs into perspective, so Chreos makes this valuable process simple.

 The many General Ledger reports available, from profit and loss to account summaries, means that you’ll never be at a loss about your financial position.

Key points(Click to expand)

Delivering live and accurate financial information

Know your financial position almost live.  GL Journals immediately update current and future data, including balances and comparison to budget.  Debtors, Creditors and Inventory data posts through as summarised and as such can be quickly brought in whenever you want it.

All the journals can be viewed back to their source.  This includes both future and historic ones.

Unlimited bank accounts

There is actually no practical limit to how many accounts of any sort that you can have.  Set up your GL as detailed or summarised as you wish, remembering that everything that is posted from other modules can still be analysed at the sinfgle transactio level.

Each bank account can be separately reconciled so have a separate one for each source or destination of funds.

Special end of year processing

Chreos General Ledger is a closed period accounting system.  However, when the accountant turns up 6 months after you have rolled out of the last financial year with 'adjustments' that need to be entered into the last day of that last year, CHREOS has special provision for this that will also update all carried forward balances..

Processing into future periods

While the GL is still in a specific month you are free to enter future dated journals and post future dated journals from other modules.  Reconciliation of these journals is catered for.  There is no reason for the maintenance of the GL to pause while something awaits resolution for a particular month.

Integration with other modules

The way CHREOS integrates with other modules is apparently seamless but designed to give you all the power and flexibility you need to get the reporting that you need.

Flexible account structure

You get to not only determine what GL accounts you need but how they are grouped and what they sub-total and total into.  And it is flexible enough that you can refine it from time to time or add more accounts.

And you get to determine how your main reports will be structured and appear.  You get the information how you want it.

Features(Click to expand)

Ready access to current and historic records

By default Chreos keeps all of the data that is entered.  Some is archived into different tables but as fare as you, the user is concerned, it all is at your fingertips.

So in the GL, look back at journals from previous years, see what the transactions were that created them, and compare performance over several years.  Understand how your business is developing.

Need a Cash book?

Chreos does not have a separate Cashbook by its technical definition but all the functionality of a Cashbook is in place.

Money received is entered via Debtor receipting, Point of Sales, or directly into the GL via the Journal and Cashbook screens.  Money paid out goes via Creditor payments of the same GL screens.

There is functionality for moving Cash on hand to the bank and producing banking documents as part of the process.  GL Reconciliation allows balances and their individual lines to be periodically checked against statements from the bank.

Foreign currency accounts

With the extra "Foreign currency" module Chreos allows you to work in any number of currencies with everything being reported back to base of current currency of your operation.

Maintain Foreign Currency bank accounts and always know the balance in both.  Receive payments from Debtors into, and pay Creditors out of these accounts.

Everything you need to trade internationally.

GL Reconciliation

This process allows all Bank accounts to be balanced against statements from the bank.  This can be done as frequently as required by company procedures.

Multiple departments

GL accounts can be separated out to separate departments and sum not only within their own structure, but also into a related consolidated account.

Within the financial reports you can have a P&L statement for each department, a consolidated one covering the all, and a integrated Balance sheet.

We have recently seen a P&L Statement and Balance sheet for one division, followed by a P&L Statement and Balance sheet for a second one.


Activities(Click to expand)

Journal entries

Enter simple or complex journals.  Pick up existing ones and replicate them (with or without changes).

Journals can be all in you base currency or across a mix of currencies.


The Cashbook screen allows you to enter a bunch of journals against a single bank account.  Very handy for balancing entering fees, etc from a bank statement.


Bringf together funds that have been receipted against an account like 'Cash on hand' or 'Till drawer', identify the cash and cheques that are going to go to a bank as a single banking - and so should should in the Bank account in your GL as a single entry.  Produce banking supplements for the bank while you are at it.

This is also very useful for balancing Credit card and EFTPOS receipts which also show on your statement as a single entry for the day.

GL reconciliation

Using a simple select and click process, build up a replicate of the document from your bank from your own data.

Integration(Click to expand)


All financial data entered or generated in Debtors flows through to the GL and appears in the P&L statement and Balance sheet.


All financial data entered or generated in Creditors flows through to the GL and appears in the P&L statement and Balance sheet


All financial data entered or generated in Inventory flows through to the GL and appears in the P&L statement and Balance sheet.  This usually relates to stock being bought or sold, costs being adjusted, or stock levels being altered from activities like Stock take.

Point of Sales

All financial data entered or generated in Point of Saless flows through to the GL and appears in the P&L statement and Balance sheet.